Jim Blake Essays


Stealing Ideas: 45 Rules of Art 

There are no rules for art-making. Here are forty-five of them.


Cannibal Capitalism

Late Capitalism has evolved into Cannibal Capitalism. The Fortune 500 are devouring their customers. Our largest global corporations are poisoning us with toxic food, drugs, and drink.


Voyage to the Germline: Wild Speculations on Epigenetics

Epigenetics is the rapidly expanding frontier of bio-science. In these five short essays Jim Blake shares a few wild ideas regarding possible epigenetic pathways in single-lifespan cell evolution as well as cross-generational inherited characteristics. Lamarck is baaack!


Squid Rasslin': Zeit Unit One

Tricks and tropes of academic, scientific composition: papers, books, essays for professional and popular audiences.


Zeit File: Outtakes 

Outtakes from my magnum opus "Distill the Zeit" The material in "Zeit File" is the stuff few general readers would want to read. The ideas herein are, however, some of my favorites - my wildest speculations on art, architecture, genetics, neuroscience, etc.